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“What is a loose-leaf edition?”
A loose-leaf edition consists of a basic edition and regular supplements, all contained in a ring folder. These supplements allow for the main body of the Bologna Handbook to be updated on a regular basis.

“Why does the Bologna Handbook take the form of a loose-leaf folder?”
The main idea of the Bologna Handbook is that it is constantly being updated to take account of recent developments. As the Bologna process develops and evolves, the regular supplements (hard copy plus CD-ROM) keep you up to date with analyses of the key themes and examples of good practice from across Europe. We think that this form of Handbook is most suited to the process itself.

“Do we have to buy the supplements?”
Yes, subscribers to the first edition also have to buy at least the first four quarterly supplements. After these, you are then free to decide whether you want to cancel your subscription or not.

“What is the subscription year?”
The subscription year starts at the date of the first invoice. For example: If you receive the Bologna Handbook on 1 September 2009 (date of invoice), the subscription year ends at 31 August 2010.

“Will the subscription go on after this year, and what will be the price of the subscription in the following years?”
Yes, the subscription will go. You will receive four quarterly supplements each year (4 x 67.00 € = 268.00 € + postage and packing charges) – unless you cancel the subscription. “How can we cancel the subscription?” You may cancel the subscription by giving written notice six weeks before the end of the subscription year.

“Are there special prices for members of the EUA?”
Yes, EUA members receive a 10 % discount on the annual invoice. In this case you pay only 241.20 € instead of 268.00 € for the quarterly supplements per year. EUA members also get a 25 % discount on the regular price for the first loose-leaf edition. (How do I know my institution is an EUA member?)

“How can we pay?”
The products and invoices will be sent directly to your address. Then you can transfer the money or send a cheque payable to RAABE academic publishers. Please note that we cannot accept credit cards or cheques addressed to the EUA.

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