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Home arrow Authors arrow B 4.5-1 Bureaucracy: the Enemy of a Quality Culture
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B 4.5-1 Bureaucracy: the Enemy of a Quality Culture
Name B 4.5-1 Bureaucracy: the Enemy of a Quality Culture
Description Author: Angela Short

This article contends that the bureaucratic structure commonly found in higher education institutions, favoured for its ability to manage complex work in large organisations, is unsuited to embedding a quality culture. The author argues that this organisational form, characterised by job specialisation and rigid lines of demarcation, promotes individual as opposed to collective efforts and as such is incapable of supporting a quality culture, which for the purposes of this paper, is understood to be a culture capable of meeting the needs of all stakeholders. The author suggests methods of organisational redesign that can result in the required paradigm shift. These will be discussed under four main headings: structure, culture, leadership and staff development.

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Created On: 03/20/2009 09:36
Viewers Supplement No. 03

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