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B 4.6-1 Quality Begins at Home
Name B 4.6-1 Quality Begins at Home
Description Authors: Gro Hanne Aas, Jon Haakstad

Based on the experience gained from three years of quality audits and programme accreditations in higher education institutions carried out by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT), this article addresses the topics of both external and internal quality assurance. The primacy of internal over external processes is advocated. The article argues that external quality assurance works best when it relates directly to internal quality assurance. Based on the notion that ‘responsibility for quality rests with the institution itself’, the article promotes the design of external evaluation procedures which function primarily as ‘special events’ in the institutions’ own continuous quality work.

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Created On: 03/20/2009 09:38
Viewers Supplement No. 03

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