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C 2.2-2 Quality of educational programmes
Name C 2.2-2 Quality of educational programmes
Description Authors: Emidia Vagnoni, Enrico Periti, Valeria Ruggiero

Since 1999, the University of Ferrara, Italy has been engaged in implementing changes to improve the quality of its educational programmes and compete in the national and international environment. As part of this, a number of managerial tools have been implemented during the last decade. A special “quality project” has been launched, aimed at increasing the quality of education, improving transparency towards internal and external stakeholders, and defining the right context for quality accreditation of the university’s programmes. A quality assessment group (QAG) has been established for each educational programme, to monitor the level of quality according to defined parameters and a special evaluation model. A data warehouse has been implemented to collect the required data for assessments. The introduction of education programme managers and the definition of their competences, responsibilities and reporting structures, all represented change in redefining the education process. This experience has led the entire university to switch from the managerial functional model to the process model, to identify both quality and efficiency at all levels. Furthermore, it has allowed the transition from the self-referential organisational culture, to one based on the deep consciousness of the central role of students.

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Created On: 03/20/2009 10:38
Viewers Supplement No. 10

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