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Home arrow Authors arrow C 3.9-3 Curricular design and computerisation: are information systems useful in curricular reorganisation?
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C 3.9-3 Curricular design and computerisation: are information systems useful in curricular reorganisation?
Name C 3.9-3 Curricular design and computerisation: are information systems useful in curricular reorganisation?
Description Authors: Joël Gapany, Guido Vergauwen

The Bologna process offers a unique opportunity to rethink the objectives and structures of study programmes, in particular in countries whose higher education institutions are introducing a completely new system of study following the Bologna Declaration. This article aims to investigate how the design of an integrated information system can foster a new approach to curricular design. In particular, it shows that preliminary considerations linked to computerisation and the need for coherent descriptions of organisation and processes underlying information systems should be integrated from the beginning within the design of study programmes. This key element will help to articulate curricular innovation properly, together with the need for an efficient and transparent management of studies.

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Created On: 03/20/2009 11:28
Viewers Supplement No. 10

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