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C 5.1-4 Nursing and Bologna: implications for a regulated profession
Name C 5.1-4 Nursing and Bologna: implications for a regulated profession
Description Author: Mary Gobbi

One of the main features of the Bologna Process is the recognition and accreditation of current or prior learning. Recognising prior learning (RPL) in a regulated profession can be a challenge, particularly in a profession like nursing, in which a great diversity of educational programmes prepare the nursing student to become a registered nurse. This article will use five hypothetical, yet realistic, case studies to demonstrate how nursing programmes can be designed to accommodate the needs of several stakeholder groups, including students, employers, academic institutions, regulators and patients. The article will discuss some of the common challenges and benefits presented by the Bologna Process and show how the Tuning Project has contributed to the debates. The article is intended for both nurse academics and educational administrators who are designing nursing programmes.

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Created On: 08/25/2009 15:51
Viewers Supplement No. 13

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