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A 1.2-2 Institutional Diversity in French Higher Education
Name A 1.2-2 Institutional Diversity in French Higher Education
Description Institutional diversity is at the core of current policy debates in Europe with such questions as how to ensure the competiveness of knowledge-based societies and respond to the diversity of students’ and stakeholders’ demands and needs. The European University Association (EUA) has commissioned a study which compares institutional diversity in five higher education systems. This study seeks to understand, empirically, the complex interplay of factors that drive diversification or con-vergence, at both the system and the institutional level. The editors of the Handbook have decided to publish some of the national case studies separately und hope that readers will be stimulated to consult the full version of Institutional Diversity in Higher Education which can be downloaded from
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Created On: 09/22/2010 13:26
Viewers Supplement No. 17

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