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B 1.4-4 Higher Education Reform and the New Debate on Employability: the German Case
Name B 1.4-4 Higher Education Reform and the New Debate on Employability: the German Case
Description Author: Dettleff Henning

Increasing employability of graduates is at the core of many higher education reforms, including, most prominently, the Bologna Process. Just another sign of a growing commodification of education or a concern regarding the legitimate interests of students in finding a good job? The recent debate over the purposes, content and structures of higher education has shown that the new focus on employability is highly controversial. This article aims at sketching the role of employability in recent reform projects and provides an overview of the current debate over employability in Germany. It presents the different stakeholders involved in the debate, provides the first empirical outcomes regarding the acceptance of bachelor graduates in the labour market, and concludes with recommendations for further action.

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Created On: 12/03/2010 11:49
Viewers Supplement No. 18

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