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B 3.1-3 Student Mobility in the next decade: do we know where we’re going?
Name B 3.1-3 Student Mobility in the next decade: do we know where we’re going?
Description Author: David Crosier

Expanding student mobility has always been an overall objective of the Bologna process, and mobility seems set to continue to be a major priority in the coming years. Why does mobility have such a high profile in the European higher education area, and how is European discourse translated into national policy goals and action? Drawing upon recent policy debates, and the findings of comparative reports, this article explores issues of mobility policy and practice. It suggests that the foundations for European student mobility policy are more idealistic than often acknowledged, while the reality in many European countries and institutions is fraught with often unacknowledged tensions, including between mobility and immigration policy. While efforts are being made to understand phenomena of learner mobility more accurately, the question remains as to whether we really know what we would like student mobility to become in the European Higher Education Area.

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Created On: 12/03/2010 11:52
Viewers Supplement No. 18

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