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B 1.6-11 Socially inclusive higher education
Name B 1.6-11 Socially inclusive higher education
Description Author: Liz Thomas

This article focuses on embedding and mainstreaming widening participation (WP) and lifelong learning (LLL) in universities and other higher education institutions (HEIs) to create more socially inclusive higher education. It therefore addresses the social dimension of the Bologna process. The paper develops the notion of institutional transformation to mainstreaming WP and LLL to facilitate the access and success of students from diverse, under-represented and excluded groups. In particular, it considers what institutions need to do to mainstream WP and LLL, and applies this framework to assess how well English institutions are mainstreaming WP and LLL. This is based on an analysis of the Widening Participation Strategic Assessments (WPSAs) submitted by all 129 English HEIs in June 2009 (HEFCE 2009). Some European illustrative examples of institutional responses to mainstreaming WP and LLL are also presented. The article concludes with recommendations for institutions.

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Created On: 05/20/2011 09:23
Viewers Supplement No. 19

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