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B 1.6-9 University lifelong learning to lifelong learning universities
Name B 1.6-9 University lifelong learning to lifelong learning universities
Description Authors: Pat Davies, Michel Feutrie

Until recently there has been little systematic enquiry into the state of play in university lifelong learning (ULLL) and it has been given little attention in the Bologna process. That is now changing and the first Europe-wide survey undertaken as part of the BeFlex project financed by the Socrates programme is reported here. It shows very patchy development and enormous diversity in what counts as lifelong learning (LLL): a working definition is proposed in this article. Although the Bologna tools are only just beginning to be exploited to promote flexibility, there has been an expansion of professionally oriented master programmes in many countries. The big issue is whether LLL should be separate or integrated into the mainstream curriculum and management structure – different models are in use at present and different approaches are being taken. The system is in transition, with ULLL rapidly moving up the list of priorities in many universities, even though some countries and some institutions have yet to begin. Finally the article proposes key features of a fully developed Lifelong Learning University.

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Created On: 03/13/2009 15:28
Viewers Supplement No. 08

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