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Home arrow Authors arrow B 2.5-2 Aligning National Frameworks of Qualifications with Aligning National Frameworks of Qualifications with the Bologna Framework
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B 2.5-2 Aligning National Frameworks of Qualifications with Aligning National Frameworks of Qualifications with the Bologna Framework
Name B 2.5-2 Aligning National Frameworks of Qualifications with Aligning National Frameworks of Qualifications with the Bologna Framework
Description Authors: David Bottomley, Gerard Madill, Bryan Maguire, Jim Murray, Sean Ó Foghlú

This article examines the nature and intent of the alignment of National Frameworks of Qualifications with the overarching Framework of Qualifications for the European Higher Education Area (the Bologna Framework). It summarises the alignment processes that were implemented in Scotland and Ireland, looks at the issues arising from the implementation of both the procedures and the criteria, and suggests areas for further consideration by other countries in advancing with similar processes.

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Created On: 03/20/2009 08:50
Viewers Supplement No. 05

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