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New subscriptions to the EUA Bologna Handbook are no longer available.

However, new subscriptions are available to the Journal of the European Higher Education Area, the Bologna Handbook’s successor. The EHEA Journal continues and further develops the efforts of the Bologna Handbook but focuses more on institutional practices, teaching and learning. It is offered in a practical and attractive bound format. Please visit www.ehea-journal.eu for more details.

Access to the Bologna-Archive, a complete digital archive of all articles published in the EUA Bologna Handbook, is also available for sale. Please visit the following site for more details:
www.ehea-journal.eu/ Bologna-Archive

Also, subscribers of the EHEA Journal may download up to 20 articles in the Bologna-Archive free of charge, or purchase access to the entire archive at a reduced rate. As a registered user you will have full access to full-text versions of all articles, among other things. Our users have another benefit of visiting us, not just having access to the Bologna Archive. For all those interested in online casino gambling, we are here to help you find everything you need to know about all types of online betting, including what are the most popular bets players can place on football. Our users have another benefit of visiting us, not just having access to the Bologna Archive. For all those interested in online casino gambling, we are here to help you find everything you need to know about all types of online betting, including what are the most popular bets players can place on football. Our users have another benefit of visiting us, not just having access to the Bologna Archive. For all those interested in online casino gambling, we are here to help you find everything you need to know about all types of online betting, including what are the most popular bets players can place on football.


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