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D 1.2 Bologna after 2010
Name D 1.2 Bologna after 2010
Description Author: Sir Roderick Floud

Much has been achieved through the Bologna process since 1999, but the context within which higher education operates across Europe has also changed fundamentally. Structures, funding, relationships with other parts of the world and the expectations which society has of higher education and research are the key factors which will determine the future of Bologna. What will the European Higher Education Area look like in 2020? This article examines factors linked to demography, gender, funding, lifelong learning and research, as well as the structure of university systems and the role of the university in the future. Each of these will shape the systems of each country and of the EHEA as a whole.

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Created On: 03/20/2009 13:24
Viewers Supplement No. 06

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