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B 2.5-4 National qualifications frameworks and the European overarching frameworks
Name B 2.5-4 National qualifications frameworks and the European overarching frameworks
Description Author: Bryan T. Maguire

The introduction of the Qualifications Framework for the EHEA in 2005, followed by the adoption of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning by the European Union in 2008, has stimulated the development of national frameworks of qualifications in many European countries. As development and implementation of national frameworks proceeds, questions are being asked about the respect roles of national and overarching frameworks and about the relationship of the two overarching frameworks to each other. This paper also looks at the implications of qualifications frameworks for recognition of qualifications within and beyond Europe, both academically and in the context of the European directive on professional mobility.

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Created On: 05/20/2011 09:27
Viewers Supplement No. 19

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