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B 4.3-3 European Quality Assurance Register: Enhancing trust through greater transparency
Name B 4.3-3 European Quality Assurance Register: Enhancing trust through greater transparency
Description Author: Colin Tück

In order to increase transparency of quality assurance and enhance confidence in higher education, the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) was founded in 2008, following intense debates in the Bologna process. This article provides a brief outline of the historical background leading to the establishment of EQAR and describes the key features of the new association that has been established by the E4 Group (ENQA, EUA, EURASHE and ESU) to operate the register. It explains how the inclusion of quality assurance agencies on the register works and concludes with a brief outline of some future challenges in EQAR’s work.

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Created On: 03/20/2009 09:28
Viewers Supplement No. 09

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