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B 3.2-1 Staff Mobility in the European Higher Education Area
Name B 3.2-1 Staff Mobility in the European Higher Education Area
Description Author: Conor Cradden

Although staff mobility has frequently been recognised as an essential part of the Bologna strategy, little time and effort has been spent on research into or discussion of mobility in the specific context of the Bologna process. Still less has any coherent, concrete strategy to promote staff mobility been formulated or agreed. This has left us in a situation in which, as the Council of Europe argues, ‘the “Bologna vision” of mobility is incomplete and inconsistently articulated.’ The purpose of this article is to provide some background information and analysis that will help readers to develop a 'complete and consistent' vision of staff mobility. The article is an abridged version of the paper Constructing Paths to Staff Mobility in the European Higher Education Area, a study for Education International which was presented at the official Bologna process seminar Making Bologna a Reality: Mobility of Staff and Students, held in London in February 2007.

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Created On: 03/20/2009 09:05
Viewers Supplement No. 04

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