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B 3.1-1 Understanding mobility and recognition
Name B 3.1-1 Understanding mobility and recognition
Description Author: Siegbert Wuttig

Since the Middle Ages, the transnational mobility of students, teachers, researchers and staff has been one of the most important features of universities. With the launch of the EU educational programmes in the 1970s and especially with the Bologna Declaration and the concept of the European Higher Education Area at the end of the 1990s, academic mobility has gained new momentum. Traditional and new types of academic mobility are now part of a wider political agenda (e.g. the Lisbon Strategy) and emerging education concepts (e.g. lifelong learning). At the same time, increasing mobility and improving the quality of mobility have become important European goals. Increasing mobility in Bachelor and Master programmes, improving academic recognition and the funding of mobility are some of the most challenging topics in this context.

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Created On: 03/20/2009 09:02
Viewers Supplement No. 01

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